Premarital Counseling

Healthy relationships require daily attention.

Gone are the days when “wellness” meant grinding at the gym for two hours and drinking two protein shakes daily. We now know that flexible exercise routines, rest days, and nourishing foods that are also delicious make self-care sustainable.

Taking good care of your body increases your lifespan, but what else contributes to longevity? We know from the research of Dr. John Gottman that it’s also the quality of our close relationships, so relationship wellness should be part of your everyday routine.

Prioritizing your partner with loving intention is in your best interest. You’ve heard of the honeymoon phase – right? I’d guess this was when you didn’t even think twice about prioritizing each other! Because this is when the sparks fly, and you can’t wait until the next chance to see your partner again, and there’s no place you’d rather be than with them – it’s intoxicating!

It’s not just anyone who’s making you feel this euphoric. It’s the person who has answered, “I DO!” This person looks right, smells right, feels right, tastes right! So many thriving couples describe limerence (the honeymoon stage; it is a thing!) as the most enjoyable time in their relationship. They have fond memories and fun stories about what they did when they started dating.

What’s their secret?

How do those couples keep the spark alive? They’ve built a solid foundation that honors each individual and the relationship. They choose to act in caring, communicative, and affectionate ways.

If you’re early in your commitment, and your new relationship energy is turning into genuine happiness and meaningful connection, then now is the prime time to strengthen your bond.

I will teach you healthy ways of relating and the best practices to cultivate the relationship of your dreams.

This premarital course is your absolute best recipe for sustaining a successful relationship.

A Relationship/Marriage Preparation Course

Create a Relationship Built to Last.

My Relationship/Marriage preparation course is custom-designed for your unique relationship. It’s just the two of you with one experienced couples therapist – meeting in private for either one three-hour or two 90-minute sessions.

The course will prepare you for a lifetime commitment by building on your strengths and teaching essential relationship insights and skills. You will learn how to stay true to yourself and your relationship.

Specifically for:

  • Engaged couples
  • Newlyweds
  • Couples considering marriage or commitment
  • Couples in the first five years of their relationship

This course is for you if…

The two of you want to be equipped with guidelines and tools for a successful relationship and learn what you didn’t hear at school or home, thus allowing you to nip any problematic issues in the bud.

You have specific issues you would like to work through before getting married or committing to each other.

At this point, you are unsure whether you should get married or deepen your commitment.

You are newly married and feeling disillusioned. Things are not quite as you imagined they would be!

Enhance your relationship wellness.

Premarital counseling can make a difference in your relationship.

If you want to know more about this course, don’t hesitate to contact me, and we can focus on making your relationship full of beautiful memories.